Weston Tshirhart
1900 St. James Place
Houston, Texas 77056 United States
About Weston
Haby’s Alsatian Bakery, (Sales, Production, management and maintenance)
● Sammy’s Inc., Castroville, Texas
● Started June 2014—present
● Developing team building skills over the years working at the bakery. Started out as a salesperson where learning to collaborate with all
different kinds of people was essential. This was definitely a big learning curve, because of a large number of people one sees and works with on a daily basis.
● Led sales for about a year then slowly moved to the production side of the business where one can learn what all goes into a product.
BizWorth (June 2023–present), working as an Equipment Certified Appraiser (ECA).
University of Texas at San Antonio- BBA Graduate
August 2018 - March 2022
Throughout my years in high school and college, I have been a part of many successful projects. Some of my main projects are:
High School:
● Between 2016-2017 an associate and myself restored a 1936, Oliver Hart parr 70 from the ground up.
● Between 2017 and 2018 an associate, my brother and myself restored a 1971 Case 970 Black Knight Demonstrator from the ground up.
● Between 2018-2019 my brother and myself restored a 1953 Oliver Row Crop 77 from the ground up.
College (2020-2022):
● Financial analysis comparison presentation project between Hyatt hotels and Marriott
● Financial analysis review of IKEA’s branch into Middle Eastern countries and its practicality of deeper expansion into more countries in the region.
● Help to create and design a company called ACnME
● Help to create and design a company called Super Swap